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WhatsApp Chat HTML Code For Website

WhatsApp Chat HTML Code For Website, WhatsApp Chat Button On Website HTML Code, How To Add WhatsApp Chat HTML Code On Blogger Website? WhatsApp Tips.

WhatsApp Chat HTML Code For Website - Preface

Hi Freinds! How are you? Welcome to another article of Whatsapp Tips And Trick . Today we will discuss an important topic WhatsApp Chat HTML Code For Website. WhatsApp is one of the most popular chat communication apps. So, every website owner always feels like having a WhatsApp Live Chat Widget for their website. In this important post, we will discuss in detail of WhatsApp Chat HTML Code For the Website. So, let's start one by one.

WhatsApp Chat HTML Code For Website

WhatsApp Chat HTML Code For Website

The WhatsApp Live Chat functionality will add extra value to your website. It also includes extra facilities for your website traffic. If you are looking for the WhatsApp Chat HTML Code For the Website, we hope today you will get a full solution from this article. So, read this important article attentively without skipping.


WhatsApp Chat HTML Code For Blogger Website

WhatsApp Chat HTML Code For the Website, you will also get the CSS and JavaScript code. Because only HTML code will not work perfectly.

With the WhatsApp Chat Button On Website HTML Code, you can get the facilities only for WhatsApp Chat link integration to your website. But you can get the live chat facities with the WhatsApp Chat HTML Code For Website. So, don't miss this golden chance of having the WhatsApp Chat HTML Code for your website.

Why do you need to choose this WhatsApp Chat HTML Code For your Website?

If you set up a plugin or app for WhatsApp Live chat on your website, your Website Page Speed Optimization may affect and slow down your website speed. But if you use this WhatsApp Chat HTML Code for your website, it will not raise any page speed-related issues to your website. Because we already tested it on different page speed testing tools. So, you will get the SEO-friendly and Lightweight HTML Code of WhatsApp Live Chat.

How To Add WhatsApp Chat HTML Code On Blogger Website?

To add a WhatsApp Live Chat Widget to your blogger website, you have to follow 3 simple and easy steps:

  • Add The HTML Code Of WhatsApp Live Chat
  • Add The CSS Code Of WhatsApp Live Chat
  • Add The JavaScripts Code Of WhatsApp Live Chat

So, let's see in detail How To Add WhatsApp Chat HTML Code On the Blogger Website from the below step-by-step guide.

Adding HTML Code Of WhatsApp Chat To Blogger Website

To add HTML code, please follow mentioned steps perfectly:

Now copy the below HTML code to your clipboard. Double-click on the code area to copy it easily:

<!-- WhatsApp Live Chat HTML By imamuddinwp --><div class='hide' id='whatsapp-chat'><div class='home-chat'><!-- Info Contact Start --><div class='info_box'><div class='info-avatar'><a href='https://imamuddinwp.blogspot.com'><img alt='imamuddinwp' src='https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEilCfU4CnwT_V5w5d_wotMKrg5hpB5nj2Ctwm0pTdCXsMmNUaZGrmjkHhafLLFIzbccP2FUrkQKEKMIhK5Piq7yDUYpoyB-vXlvl_tE3uBHRCvI-HqY85nZ44VrXtnAd_r-otV-l2Gwl3k0H3l4P1mPya8fftmJayW1HWsldsVQ_y-_yPt2Oc7QsgC9eaHx/s1600-rw/whatsapp-live-chat-imamuddinwp.png'/></a><span class='nime'/></div><div class='info-chat'><span class='chat-label'><a href='https://imamuddinwp.blogspot.com' target='_new'> NextGen Digital</a> </span><span class='chat-text'>Welcome to WhatsApp Live Chat. </span></div></div><div class='goophone'><a href='tel:+8801815682307' title='call us'><svg viewBox='0 0 384 384'><path d='M353.188,252.052c-23.51,0-46.594-3.677-68.469-10.906c-10.719-3.656-23.896-0.302-30.438,6.417l-43.177,32.594 c-50.073-26.729-80.917-57.563-107.281-107.26l31.635-42.052c8.219-8.208,11.167-20.198,7.635-31.448 c-7.26-21.99-10.948-45.063-10.948-68.583C132.146,13.823,118.323,0,101.333,0H30.813C13.823,0,0,13.823,0,30.813 C0,225.563,158.438,384,353.188,384c16.99,0,30.813-13.823,30.813-30.813v-70.323C384,265.875,370.177,252.052,353.188,252.052z'/></svg></a><a href='mailto:imamuddinwp@gmail.com' title='sent to mail'><svg viewBox='0 0 512 512'><path d='M10.688,95.156C80.958,154.667,204.26,259.365,240.5,292.01c4.865,4.406,10.083,6.646,15.5,6.646 c5.406,0,10.615-2.219,15.469-6.604c36.271-32.677,159.573-137.385,229.844-196.896c4.375-3.698,5.042-10.198,1.5-14.719 C494.625,69.99,482.417,64,469.333,64H42.667c-13.083,0-25.292,5.99-33.479,16.438C5.646,84.958,6.313,91.458,10.688,95.156z'/><path d='M505.813,127.406c-3.781-1.76-8.229-1.146-11.375,1.542c-46.021,39.01-106.656,90.552-152.385,129.885 c-2.406,2.063-3.76,5.094-3.708,8.271c0.052,3.167,1.521,6.156,4,8.135c42.49,34.031,106.521,80.844,152.76,114.115 c1.844,1.333,4.031,2.01,6.229,2.01c1.667,0,3.333-0.385,4.865-1.177c3.563-1.823,5.802-5.49,5.802-9.49V137.083 C512,132.927,509.583,129.146,505.813,127.406z'/><path d='M16.896,389.354c46.25-33.271,110.292-80.083,152.771-114.115c2.479-1.979,3.948-4.969,4-8.135 c0.052-3.177-1.302-6.208-3.708-8.271C124.229,219.5,63.583,167.958,17.563,128.948c-3.167-2.688-7.625-3.281-11.375-1.542 C2.417,129.146,0,132.927,0,137.083v243.615c0,4,2.24,7.667,5.802,9.49c1.531,0.792,3.198,1.177,4.865,1.177 C12.865,391.365,15.052,390.688,16.896,389.354z'/><path d='M498.927,418.375c-44.656-31.948-126.917-91.51-176.021-131.365c-4-3.26-9.792-3.156-13.729,0.24 c-9.635,8.406-17.698,15.49-23.417,20.635c-17.563,15.854-41.938,15.854-59.542-0.021c-5.698-5.135-13.76-12.24-23.396-20.615 c-3.906-3.417-9.708-3.521-13.719-0.24c-48.938,39.719-131.292,99.354-176.021,131.365c-2.49,1.792-4.094,4.552-4.406,7.604 c-0.302,3.052,0.708,6.083,2.802,8.333C19.552,443.01,30.927,448,42.667,448h426.667c11.74,0,23.104-4.99,31.198-13.688 c2.083-2.24,3.104-5.271,2.802-8.323C503.021,422.938,501.417,420.167,498.927,418.375z'/></svg></a></div></div><!-- WhatsApp Box --><div class='first-msg'><div class='box-msg'><span class='chat-nama'>Imam Uddin...</span><span class='chat-cript'>Howdy!!</span><span>How can I help you today?</span><div class='jamwa'><div id='hours'/>:<div id='minutes'/></div></div></div><div class='goomwhats'><div class='poptamv' id='konsultasi'><div class='formtamv formWA'><div class='boxmsg'><label><textarea class='pesan wajib' placeholder='Type a message'/><span class='validasi'>(Required)</span></label></div><div id='btn-chat'><a class='submit' href='javascript:void;'><svg height='24' viewBox='0 0 24 24' width='24'><path d='M1.101 21.757L23.8 12.028 1.101 2.3l.011 7.912 13.623 1.816-13.623 1.817-.011 7.912z' fill='#263238' fill-opacity='.45'/></svg></a></div></div></div></div><a class='close-chat' href='javascript:void' title='close'><svg viewBox='0 0 413.348 413.348'><path d='m413.348 24.354-24.354-24.354-182.32 182.32-182.32-182.32-24.354 24.354 182.32 182.32-182.32 182.32 24.354 24.354 182.32-182.32 182.32 182.32 24.354-24.354-182.32-182.32z'/></svg></a></div><div class='imam-live'><div class='box-live'><a href='javascript:void' title=''><span>Chat with WhatsApp</span><span class='svg'><svg viewBox='0 0 418.135 418.135'><path d='M198.929,0.242C88.5,5.5,1.356,97.466,1.691,208.02c0.102,33.672,8.231,65.454,22.571,93.536 L2.245,408.429c-1.191,5.781,4.023,10.843,9.766,9.483l104.723-24.811c26.905,13.402,57.125,21.143,89.108,21.631 c112.869,1.724,206.982-87.897,210.5-200.724C420.113,93.065,320.295-5.538,198.929,0.242z M323.886,322.197 c-30.669,30.669-71.446,47.559-114.818,47.559c-25.396,0-49.71-5.698-72.269-16.935l-14.584-7.265l-64.206,15.212l13.515-65.607 l-7.185-14.07c-11.711-22.935-17.649-47.736-17.649-73.713c0-43.373,16.89-84.149,47.559-114.819 c30.395-30.395,71.837-47.56,114.822-47.56C252.443,45,293.218,61.89,323.887,92.558c30.669,30.669,47.559,71.445,47.56,114.817 C371.446,250.361,354.281,291.803,323.886,322.197z' style='fill:#7AD06D;'/><path d='M309.712,252.351l-40.169-11.534c-5.281-1.516-10.968-0.018-14.816,3.903l-9.823,10.008 c-4.142,4.22-10.427,5.576-15.909,3.358c-19.002-7.69-58.974-43.23-69.182-61.007c-2.945-5.128-2.458-11.539,1.158-16.218 l8.576-11.095c3.36-4.347,4.069-10.185,1.847-15.21l-16.9-38.223c-4.048-9.155-15.747-11.82-23.39-5.356 c-11.211,9.482-24.513,23.891-26.13,39.854c-2.851,28.144,9.219,63.622,54.862,106.222c52.73,49.215,94.956,55.717,122.449,49.057 c15.594-3.777,28.056-18.919,35.921-31.317C323.568,266.34,319.334,255.114,309.712,252.351z' style='fill:#7AD06D;'/></svg></span></a></div></div>

Now replace the 3 highlighted basic information with your own like:

  • NextGen Digital should be replaced with your name or your website name,
  • imamuddinwp@gmail.com should be replaced with your own email address, and
  • +8801815682307 should be replaced with your personal phone number along with the country code.

Hope you will easily replace the above-mentioned information on your own.

You can trust that WhatsApp Chat HTML Code would not make any chnages of your website's original design and laouts. But we always recommend take a backup of your blogger website to avoid any mistake or unwanted situation.
To get backup of your blogger theme, Click on Theme from blogger dashboard -> CUSTOMIZE -> Back Up -> Download Theme

Now follow below below-mentioned 3 easy steps to add HTML code for WhatsApp Chat.

  • Step #1: At the beginning of all, login to your blogger website dashboard by using your login credentials.
  • Step #2:- Click on Theme -> Arrow Button -> Choose Edit HTML -> Theme Section
  • Step #2:- Click on Theme -> Arrow Button -> Choose Edit HTML -> Theme Section
  • Step #3:- Now paste the HTML code from your clipboard just above or before the closing body tag that means or </body> tag.

Normally, You will find the </body> tag at the bottom or end of your blogger theme code.

That's it for WhatsApp Chat HTML Code. Now we will work on the CSS code.

Adding CSS Code Of WhatsApp Chat To Blogger Website

Now copy the below CSS code and paste it above or before the ]]></b:skin> or </style> tag of your blogger website template code.

/* WhatsApp Live Chat CSS By imamuddinwp.blogspot.com */.box-live a,.imam-live,.info-chat{color:#fff}.box-msg span,.info-chat span,.info_box,.show{display:block}#whatsapp-chat,.imam-live{background:#fff;position:fixed;z-index:100;right:20px}.imam-live,.info_box{background:linear-gradient(45deg,#029abd 0,#05c537 100%)}.box-live,.goomwhats,.info-avatar,.info_box{position:relative}#whatsapp-chat{width:350px;border-radius:4px;box-shadow:0 8px 25px -5px rgba(45,62,79,.15);bottom:17%;overflow:hidden}#btn-chat,#tooltip i,.imam-live svg{vertical-align:middle}.imam-live{bottom:10%;line-height:30px;font-size:15px;padding:0;border-radius:50px;box-shadow:0 1px 5px rgba(154,154,154,.2)}.imam-live .svg{margin:0;position:absolute;top:0;padding:6.5px 15px;border-radius:0 50px 50px 0;right:-2px;background-color:#fff;color:#31c73a;width:25%;height:100%;line-height:18px;overflow:hidden;text-align:center;z-index:10}.box-live{padding:3px 20px}.box-live span{margin-right:40px;font-size:13px}.info-chat{padding-top:3px}.info-chat span.chat-label{font-size:15px;font-weight:700}.info-chat span.chat-text{font-size:13px;line-height:2.3;color:#d7ffee}.info-avatar{width:48px;height:48px;float:left;margin:5px 15px 0 0}.info-avatar img{border-radius:100%;width:100%;height:auto}.info_box{padding:15px;overflow:hidden;z-index:1;box-shadow:0 1px 5px rgba(0,0,0,.35)}#tooltip,#tooltip:after,.box-msg:before,.goophone{position:absolute}.goomwhats{color:#444;padding:5px 15px;background-color:#fff;font-size:14px;display:flow-root}.goomwhats a{color:#3bc743}.boxmsg{margin:8px 0 0;float:left;width:74%;display:block}.goophone{right:45px;top:10px;font-size:13px;z-index:10}.box-msg,.first-msg,.formtamv label{position:relative}.goophone a{color:#e6f9d2;margin-left:15px}.goophone a svg,a.close-chat svg{width:16px;height:auto;fill:#e6f9d2}.jamwa{display:block;float:right;font-size:11px;color:#717171}#tooltip i,.box-msg,.formtamv label>i,.jamwa div{display:inline-block}#btn-chat{float:right;margin-top:15px}.first-msg{background-color:#e6ddd4;padding:20px 20px 20px 10px}#tooltip,.box-msg{padding:10px 20px}.first-msg::before{display:block;position:absolute;content:"";left:0;top:0;height:100%;width:100%;z-index:0;opacity:.08;background-image:url(https://goomsite.github.io/img/wa-min.webp)}#tooltip:after,.box-msg:before{content:''}.box-msg{background:#e4fec8;box-shadow:0 1px 5px rgba(0,0,0,.13);color:#333;font-size:14px;line-height:1.7;border-radius:0 7.5px 7.5px;margin-left:30px;z-index:1}.box-msg:before{border-width:17px;border-style:none solid solid none;border-color:#e4fec8 #e4fec8 transparent transparent;top:0;left:-16px}.box-msg span.chat-nama{font-size:13px;line-height:18px;color:rgba(0,0,0,.4)}.box-msg span.chat-cript{margin-bottom:5px}#tooltip{text-align:center;color:#fff;background:#333;z-index:100;border-radius:4px;font-size:90%;box-shadow:0 1px 10px rgba(0,0,0,.6)}#tooltip i{margin:5px}#tooltip:after{width:0;height:0;border-left:10px solid transparent;border-right:10px solid transparent;border-top:10px solid #333;left:50%;bottom:-10px;margin-left:-10px}#tooltip.top:after{border-top-color:transparent;border-bottom:10px solid #333;top:-20px;bottom:auto}#tooltip.left:after{left:10px;margin:0}#tooltip.right:after{right:10px;left:auto;margin:0}.formtamv *{outline:0;text-decoration:none}.formtamv .focus{box-shadow:inset 0 0 0 1px #36c83f}.formtamv label{display:block;width:100%;margin:0;padding:0}.formtamv label>input,.formtamv label>select,.formtamv label>textarea{position:relative;z-index:1;border:none;background:#f9f9f9;box-shadow:inset 0 0 0 1px rgba(0,0,0,.02),inset 1px 1px 5px rgba(0,0,0,.05);width:100%;border-radius:50px;padding:10px 20px 0}.formtamv label>i{position:absolute;z-index:0;vertical-align:top;width:40px;text-align:center;font-size:20px;height:auto;background:0 0;box-shadow:none;top:3px;left:0;color:rgba(0,0,0,.2)}.formtamv label small{position:relative;display:block;margin-top:10px;z-index:3}.formtamv label small>a.tooltip{margin-left:10px;font-size:20px;vertical-align:middle;display:inline-block;color:rgba(0,0,0,.4)}.formtamv label small>a.tooltip:hover{color:rgba(0,0,0,.6)}.formtamv label small a{font-weight:700}.formtamv select::-ms-expand{display:none}.formtamv select{-moz-appearance:none;-webkit-appearance:none;appearance:none}.formtamv select option{font-size:18px;background:#edf8f5;color:rgba(0,0,0,.7);text-shadow:none}.formtamv .nomor_whatsapp[type=number]::-webkit-inner-spin-button,.formtamv .nomor_whatsapp[type=number]::-webkit-outer-spin-button{-webkit-appearance:none;margin:0}.nomor_whatsapp[type=number]{-moz-appearance:textfield}.formtamv label>:focus{background:0 0}.formtamv label textarea{min-height:20px;resize:none;margin-bottom:0}.formtamv label .validasi{position:absolute;z-index:2;right:-30px;background:#36c83f;color:#fff;padding:5px 10px;border-radius:3px;font-size:80%;box-shadow:0 5px 10px rgba(0,0,0,.1);transition:.4s;visibility:hidden;opacity:0;display:inline-block!important}.formtamv label .validasi.show{visibility:visible;opacity:1;bottom:100%}.formtamv label .validasi:after{position:absolute;top:100%;right:10px;content:"";border:8px solid;border-color:#36c83f transparent transparent}.nime,.nime:after,.nime:before{position:absolute;border-radius:100%}a.close-chat{position:absolute;top:10px;right:13px;color:#c3ffc7;font-size:18px;z-index:10}.nime{display:block;width:10px;height:10px;background-color:#05d436;right:-2px;bottom:8px}.nime:after,.nime:before{content:"";width:24px;height:24px;opacity:0;top:-8px;left:-8px;background:#05d436}.nime:before{-webkit-animation:2s ease-out infinite nime;animation:2s ease-out infinite nime}.nime:after{z-index:1;-webkit-animation:2s ease-out .4s infinite nime;animation:2s ease-out .4s infinite nime}@-webkit-keyframes nime{0%{opacity:0;-webkit-transform:scale(.80);transform:scale(.10)}5%{opacity:1}100%{opacity:0}}@keyframes nime{0%{opacity:0;-webkit-transform:scale(0);transform:scale(0)}5%{opacity:1}100%{opacity:0}}@keyframes showhide{from{transform:scale(.5);opacity:0}}@keyframes showchat{from{transform:scale(0);opacity:0}}.hide,.show{animation-name:showhide;animation-duration:1.5s;transform:scale(1);opacity:1}@media screen and (max-width:480px){#whatsapp-chat{width:auto;left:5%;right:5%;font-size:80%}}.hide{display:none}

Don't worry about Responsive Design. We have already added Media Queries CSS code and tested it on different devices. It's working nicely on all types of devices.

Adding JavaScript Code Of WhatsApp Chat To Blogger Website

Copy the below javascript code to your clipboard by double-clicking on the code area and pasting it above or before the </body> tag.

<!-- WhatsApp Live Chat JavaScripts code By imamuddinwp.blogspot.com --><script language='javascript' type='text/javascript'>//<![CDATA[function kirimWA(e){var t=!0;if(jQuery("#"+e+" .wajib").each(function(){""!=$.trim(jQuery(this).val())&&"default"!=$.trim(jQuery(this).val())||jQuery(this).addClass("focus")}),jQuery("#"+e+" .wajib").each(function(){return""==$.trim(jQuery(this).val())?(t=!1,jQuery(this).parents("label").find(".validasi").addClass("show"),jQuery(this).focus(),!1):"default"==$.trim(jQuery(this).val())?(t=!1,jQuery(this).parents("label").find(".validasi").addClass("show"),!1):void 0}),t===!0){var i="",a="https://web.whatsapp.com/send";if(/Android|webOS|iPhone|iPad|iPod|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Opera Mini/i.test(navigator.userAgent)&&(a="whatsapp://send"),"konsultasi"===e)var s=880,r=1406070407,n="Admin:- ",o="Howdy! I need your help, please...",l=(jQuery("#"+e+" .title-content").text(),jQuery("#"+e+" .pesan").val()),i=a+"?phone="+s+r+"&text=*"+o+" "+n+"...* %0A%0A"+l;jQuery(this).attr("href",i);var u=960,h=540,c=Number(screen.width/2-u/2),d=Number(screen.height/2-h/2),y=window.open(this.href,"","toolbar=no, location=no, directories=no, status=no, menubar=no, scrollbars=yes, resizable=1, copyhistory=no, width="+u+", height="+h+", top="+d+", left="+c);return y.focus(),!1}}window.addEventListener("load",function(){var e=jQuery("title").text();jQuery(".waFix").on("click",function(){jQuery(this).removeClass("show"),jQuery("title").text(e)}),jQuery(".formWA input, .formWA textarea").on("keypress",function(){13===event.keyCode&&jQuery(this).parents(".formWA").find(".submit").trigger("click")}),jQuery(".formWA .wajib").each(function(){title=jQuery(this).attr("placeholder"),label=jQuery(this).parents("label"),jQuery('<span class="validasi">(Required)</span>').appendTo(label)}),jQuery(".formWA .wajib").keyup(function(){""!=jQuery(this).val()&&(jQuery(this).removeClass("focus"),jQuery(this).parents("label").find(".validasi").removeClass("show"))}),jQuery(".formWA select").change(function(){jQuery(this).removeClass("focus"),jQuery(this).parents("label").find(".validasi").removeClass("show")})},!1),jQuery(".formWA .submit").on("click",function(){return kirimWA(jQuery(this).parents(".poptamv").attr("id")),!1}),$(document).on("click",".close-chat",function(){$("#whatsapp-chat").addClass("hide").removeClass("show")}),$(document).on("click",".imam-live",function(){$("#whatsapp-chat").addClass("show").removeClass("hide")});//]]></script>

In JavaScript code, you have to integrate your phone number very carefully.

  • 880 should be replaced with your country code,
  • 1406070407 should be replaced with your personal contact number.

If you can not do it carefully and perfectly, then the WhatsApp Chat HTML Code For the Website will not work. Kindly let us know if anything is not clear to you.

After adding HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code to your blogger theme, click on the save button. So, you have successfully added WhatsApp Live Chat HTML Code to your blogger website.

WhatsApp Chat HTML Code For Website - Preview & Test

Now it's time to preview and test WhatsApp Chat on your blogger website. Browse newly or reload your homepage. Now you will see the WhatsApp Chat option in the right-bottom corner of your website. Attached picture for your reference.


Now test it by typing messages in the textbox, then hit on the send icon. It will allow you to directly open with WhatsApp Chat along with your typed message.

WhatsApp Chat HTML Code For Website - FAQs

People always ask questions in search engines and social media along with forums regarding the WhatsApp Chat HTML Code For Websites. Let's see some important FAQs and their answer mentioned below.

How do I add a WhatsApp chat button to Blogger?

YES, You can add a WhatsApp Chat Button to your blogger website. It allows your website's traffic to start a direct and real-time conversation with you or your support team.

To add a WhatsApp Chat Button to your blogger website, you have to add some HTML & CSS codes.

Can I integrate WhatsApp into my website?

Integrating a WhatsApp Floating Button into your website will depend on it's platform. Most of the popular CMS allow to installation of plugins to integrate the WhatsApp button. If your website is on WordPress, Shopify, or WiX platform, then you will get a lot of plugins and apps.

But if your website is in Blogger CMS, then you have to do it manually. You can integrate WhatsApp into your blogger website by adding HTML and CSS code to your blogger template.

How do I add a floating WhatsApp icon to my HTML website?

It's very easy to add a Floating WhatsApp Icon to your HTML website. You have to do 3 steps accordingly:

  1. Get WhatsApp icon: First, you need to have an icon for WhatsApp. We always recommend an SVG icon for it. You can also choose a transparent PNG of WhatsApp.
  2. Include WhatsApp icon in your website: If you use a PNG icon then need to upload the WhatsApp icon to your website's hosting directory. If possible, you use CDN for better performance.
  3. HTML code of WhatsApp button: Add the HTML structure for the floating WhatsApp icon. You can use an <a> tag to create a link to WhatsApp.
  4. Styling: Style the WhatsApp icon to make it float on the page. You can use CSS for this.

How can I add a WhatsApp button to my website?

WhatsApp doesn't have a built-in feature to add floating buttons within the app interface. However, you can achieve a similar functionality by using third-party apps that offer floating buttons or overlay features.

Here's a general guide on how you might do this:

  1. Install a Floating Button App: Go to the Google Play Store (for Android) or the App Store (for iOS) and search for "floating button" or "overlay button" apps. There are several options available, such as "Floating Button", "Floating Apps", or "Assistive Touch" for iOS devices.
  2. Download and Install: Choose an app that suits your preferences and download it to your device. Follow the installation instructions provided by the app.
  3. Grant Permissions: After installing the app, you may need to grant certain permissions for it to function properly. Make sure to enable any necessary permissions requested by the app.
  4. Customize the Floating Button: Open the floating button app and customize it according to your needs. You may be able to select the size, shape, and position of the floating button on your screen.
  5. Configure WhatsApp Shortcut: Within the floating button app settings, you should find an option to add shortcuts or actions to the floating button. Look for WhatsApp in the list of available apps and add it as a shortcut.
  6. Test the Floating Button: Once you've set up the floating button and added the WhatsApp shortcut, test it out to make sure it works as expected. You should be able to tap the floating button to quickly access WhatsApp from any screen on your device.

For your kind information, please note that using third-party apps for floating buttons may vary in terms of features and compatibility with your device. Also please note, you should always be cautious when granting permissions to third-party apps, and make sure to download from reputable sources to avoid security risks.

We hope the below article will be more helpful for you:

WhatsApp Chat HTML Code For Website - Disclaimer

We have tested this WhatsApp Chat HTML Code in different Blogger Templates. It works nicely in all types of Blogger themes except the Median UI theme.

We are till now working to fix it to active Median UI and Plus UI blogger template. Once we fixed it, we will share the update news here. So, if you are using those thems, you can not get this facility. But don't worry, You can choose and apply our WhatsApp Chat Button On Website HTML Code for any types of blogger theme along with Median UI, Plus UI, Fletro Pro or any other theme like those.

WhatsApp Chat HTML Code For Website - Our Last Words

We hope you have already set up the WhatsApp Chat HTML Code for your website. Are you facing any problems adding WhatsApp Chat HTML Code For the Website? Let us know, please. Write in details of your problem in the comments box. We will fix it for you. That's all for today. Thank you for coming here.

About the Author

Howdy! It's me! Imam Uddin, imamuddinwp. A passionate SEO Expert, Freelance Digital Marketer, Shopify Expert, and Web Designer. Founder Of NextGen Digital. Find me in google by 'imamuddinwp'.

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